
18-07-19 clouds seas's way.Nine Dragon Waterfall dashed to a hundred rivers.Li Bai brush pen flourished into...

吃热狗国际赛 大胃王再创纪录

18-07-18 【看中国讯】一年一度的吃热狗国际大赛,日前在纽约布碌仑康尼岛(Coney Island)“内森热狗”(Nathan’s Hot Dog)举行,吸引了数千人前来观看。世界第一“大胃王”、来自加州的乔伊...


18-07-17 Transfer Tax)300-600美元(按房价比率收费)过户律师费(Settlement Fee)200-350美元银行产权保险(Title Insurance Lender's Coverage...

Political Uncertainty in Beijing as Annual Seaside Political Meeting Draws Near

18-07-21 Party’s mouthpiece newspaper People’s Daily failed to mention Chinese leader Xi Jinping on its front...

新带状疱疹疫苗效果佳 新泽西供不应求

18-07-16 ......保持充足的供应变得具有挑战性”连锁药行CVS发言人艾伦·宾萨(Erin Pensa)表示。CVS于3月中旬开始提供这种疫苗,但是目前处于缺货状况。英文媒体northjersey.com记者上周询问北新泽西州...

2018 Mercedes-Maybach S560 4Matic

18-07-12 。 Maybach(迈巴赫),就是这样一款在汽车世上留下卓越辉煌印记的品牌,一个曾被遗忘但是起死回生的品牌,在Mercedes的技术支持下,正一步步重塑自己应有的光耀。设计特点Maybach S 560级轿车在外观...

Scientists Take First Ever Image of Planet Being Born

18-07-10 of the disc of dusk. The image of PDS 70 was taken through the ESO's Very Large Telescope and...

Eric Trump Rushes Into New York Traffic to Help Passed out Woman: Report

18-07-10  President Donald Trump’s second son reportedly rushed to aid a woman who had passed out near...

China’s US Exports Weakens Amid Trade Tensions

18-07-10 the United States.According to preliminary data released by China’s General Administration of Customs...

Avoid Eloquent Speakers, Employ the Honest and Dutiful

18-07-10 a minister in charge of judicial matters during Emperor Wen’s rule. He was from Duyang County, Nanyang City...

Yue Fei and Wuhan (Part 4)

18-07-10 an area that was the storage for the Yue Army’s armors and weapons. In the local Hanyang dialect...


18-07-03 与游客前来观赏。自1958年开始的梅西百货(Macy’s)的大型烟花秀最为著名,也首屈一指, 今年,今年将同样壮观,预计6万多发烟花,届时在东河上空绽放,将有25种颜色、20多种新特效呈现…… 当晚中城...

US Professor’s Lecture Canceled in China After Netizens Discover His Criticisms of Chinese Regime

18-07-02 A Chinese university canceled a visiting U.S. professor’s lecture after the school’s social media...

Learning without Thinking is Labor Lost

18-07-02 concepts of his time. It was said that Confucius's highest standard was “Mercy.” One of Confucius...

Poll: Most Voters Blame Parents on Border Children Crisis, Not Feds

18-06-30 minus 3 percentage points.The main action in Trump’s executive order is a demand that Attorney General...

Yue Fei and Wuhan (Part 3)

18-07-01 Gaozong (1131 – 1162 AD).” The descendents called the pines “Yue pines” in memory of Yue Fei's deeds...

桑德斯事件持续发酵 同名餐厅受牵连

18-07-01 澄清的做法并没有起到太多效果,在这条消息下仍有很多充满怒气的言论,有人甚至留言表示要烧毁弗里德曼的其它餐馆。“这是一个巨大的误解,”弗里德曼说,“我们不隶属于莱克星顿的餐厅;这不是一个连锁饭店。无论来的...

Ancients Discuss the Value of Time

18-06-29 , “A sage does not care for a foot-long piece of jade, but would value an inch of time.” One's life is...

Beijing Pushing Taiwan and U.S. Allies out of the Pacific Islands, Says Congressional Report

18-06-29 The Chinese regime’s increasing involvement in the Pacific Islands region is squeezing Taiwan’s...

Former Rolls-Royce Engineer Suspected of Passing Fighter Jet Tech to China

18-06-29 , according to The Sun.Rolls-Royce-developed technology is behind the F-35’s lift system that lets it hover...


18-06-26 万人签名,到法国时间15日凌晨为止,已超过14万人支持,达标后将送到生态部长余洛(Nicolas Hulot)手中。法国麦当劳连锁速食餐厅规划于18日起,执行以其他方式取代塑料吸管的测试,可能改用不含...


18-06-26 syndrome)或克隆氏症(Crohn’s disease)等病症。金正恩除了这次出访新加坡之外,于4月27日和韩国总统文在寅在板门店会晤之时,他也是带了自己的马桶,将其置放于他的黑色豪华轿车内;甚至他平时在朝鲜...

Yue Fei and Wuhan (Part 2)

18-06-26 His writing of regular script in small characters followed Yan Zhenqing's (709 – 785 AD...

Emperor Han Wendi Stopped Building a Pavilion to Save People's Money

18-06-18 Emperor Han Wendi Stopped Building a Pavilion to Save People's Money The story entitled...

Iran Admits to Aiding 9/11 Attacks

18-06-18 would go on to fly airplanes into the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers in New York City, the Pentagon in...

Even With New Deal, ZTE Is Damaged Goods

18-06-17 allows ZTE to resume production and avoid going out of business in the near term, it’s not entirely out...

Yue Fei and Wuhan (Part 1)

18-06-17 , waves of dust by the enemy’s cavalry run amok outside the capital’s walls.  Where are the soldiers? They...


18-06-13 Route 48, Mattituck, N.Y. 11952(需要自行驾车到公共停车场,再搭乘班车前往草莓节)。公共停车场地址:660 Herrick’s Lane, Jamesport, NY...


18-06-13 6月15日“法拉盛世界博览会”【看中国纽约讯】6月15日(周五)~6月17日(周日),将举办为期3天的“法拉盛世界博览会(Flushing’s World Fair)”。活动由亚洲人平等会、大法拉盛...


18-06-13 声名大噪,老板David Shi和儿子Jason Wang成功地运用这个机会将生意从地下商场一个小摊子发展成一个颇具规模的连锁生意。现今,西安名吃在曼哈顿有九家分店、法拉盛两家分店、布鲁克林一家分店,俨然...


18-06-08 【看中国纽约讯】纽约近期(從6月8日起)部分活动内容如下:1.本周新片速递 Upcoming Movie This Week *《瞒天过海:美人计》 Ocean's Eight本片又名...


18-06-05 【看中国讯】装满新鲜浆果的篮子总是让人体会到夏天的美好,华盛顿特区附近有很多可以自助采摘果菜的农场和果园。以下为您介绍一些最受大家欢迎的采摘农场。Butler’s Orchard农场位于马里兰州德国...

Confucius Learning from The Book of Changes

18-06-05 conceited people will face difficulties. That’s why I sighed in admiration.” Zixia asked, “Can they not...

Reinforce Virtue to Ensure Harmony between Husband and Wife

18-06-05 , a legitimate marriage calls for matchmakers’ arrangements, parents’ approval, and Heaven’s blessings. Certain...

Rejecting Lust, Even Heaven Is Touched

18-06-04 people for the country. This is truly like having descendants. Besides, it is decided by one’s fate...

China Is Buying Up Critical Technologies From Europe, Outside American Scrutiny

18-06-04 Beijing’s political influence and vacuum up cutting-edge technologies. Less than half of the European...

With Sonic Weapon Attack, China Demonstrates Experimental Program

18-06-04 person feel ill, or even damaging a targeted person’s internal organs.“Like gun, missile, and bomb...

星巴克进行反偏见教育 8000分店停业半天

18-06-04 【看中国讯】为了平息抗议的呼声,美国连锁咖啡店星巴克(Starbucks)的8000家美国分店5月29日下午暂时停业,对员工进行反偏见培训。上个月,星巴克一家分店的雇员报警,导致店内的两名黑人被捕...


18-06-01 ,如 Ben & Jerry's、哈根达斯、Baskin Robbins,以及纽约本地著名的冰激凌店,如 Big Gay Icecream、Wafels & Dings 都会参加...

2018 Maserati Levante

18-06-01 市场Maserati提供两款配置的Levante 车型。双涡轮增压六缸发动机为每一辆Levante提供动力。基本型号的发动机输出345马力,而Levante S拥有424匹马力。在这两种情况下...